2 research outputs found

    Mobile Recommendation System to Provide Emotional Support and Promote Active Aging for Older Adults in the Republic of Panama

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    Aging brings with it physical and cognitive changes that can lead to health problems such as chronic disease and cognitive impairment. Technology is a fundamental ally in improving the quality of life of older adults by enabling accurate and early diagnosis. In this context, we present a mobile application designed to provide emotional support and guidance, thus contributing to the well-being of this demographic group. Our study was based on quantitative research methods, using an experimental approach on a sample of users aged between 60 and 80 years. The results showed that 93.3% of users found the app to be a useful resource for adopting a healthier lifestyle. The app provides specific recommendations, such as breathing exercises to reduce anxiety, recreational activities, exercises tailored to physical ability, and meditation practices. These specific features have been shown to improve the well-being of older adults by providing a personalized approach to the challenges of aging

    Arquitectura de un sistema de apoyo emocional y liderazgo mediante tecnolog铆a m贸vil para personas mayores

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    The evolution of information and communication technologies has transformed the way in which the health of older adults is managed. With the increasing miniaturization of mobile devices and human-computer interaction, mobile systems can play an important role in promoting the well-being of this population group. This study presents a proposed architecture for a mobile system designed to provide solutions to the health problems of this segment of the population. The system will use sensors, artificial intelligence, cloud storage, mobile development, and machine learning algorithms to adapt to the needs and preferences of everyone. In addition, the current state of mobile technology in this area will be presented, highlighting emerging trends and challenges. In this way, it will be possible to assess the potential of mobile systems to improve the health care of older adults and to identify areas of research and development needed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of these systems. With this system, it is expected to be able to offer a personalized solution for everyone, improve their quality of life and provide a greater level of autonomy in their daily lives.La evoluci贸n de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y comunicaci贸n ha transformado la forma en que se maneja la salud de los adultos mayores. Con la creciente miniaturizaci贸n de los dispositivos m贸viles y la interacci贸n entre seres humanos y computadoras, los sistemas m贸viles pueden desempe帽ar un papel importante en la promoci贸n del bienestar de este grupo poblacional. En este estudio se presenta una propuesta de arquitectura para un sistema m贸vil dise帽ado para ofrecer soluciones a los problemas de salud de este segmento de la poblaci贸n. El sistema utilizar谩 sensores, inteligencia artificial, almacenamiento en la nube, desarrollo m贸vil y algoritmos de aprendizaje autom谩tico para adaptarse a las necesidades y preferencias de cada individuo. Adem谩s, se presentar谩 el estado actual de la tecnolog铆a m贸vil en esta 谩rea, destacando las tendencias emergentes y los desaf铆os que se presentan. De esta manera, se podr谩 evaluar el potencial de los sistemas m贸viles para mejorar la atenci贸n de la salud de los adultos mayores y se podr谩n identificar las 谩reas de investigaci贸n y desarrollo necesarias para mejorar la eficacia y eficiencia de estos sistemas. Con este sistema, se espera poder ofrecer una soluci贸n personalizada para cada individuo, mejorar su calidad de vida y brindar un mayor nivel de autonom铆a en su vida diaria